103. Noori R., Maghrebi M., Mirchi A., Tang Q., Bhattarai R., Sadegh M., Noury M., Torabi Haghighi A., Kløve B., Madani K. (2021) “Anthropogenic Depletion of Iran’s Aquifers”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 118 (25), e2024221118, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2024221118.
102. Madani K. (2021) “Hardin Versus Ostrom: Can Development Affect the Propensity to Cooperate Over Environmental Commons?”, Social Research: An International Quarterly, Vol. 88 (1), 99-114.
101. Vahedifard F., Madani K., AghaKouchak A., Thota S. K. (2021) “Are We Ready for More Dam Removals in the United States?”, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, Vol. 1, 013001, doi:10.1088/2634-4505/abe639.
100. Madani K. (2021) “Have International Sanctions Impacted Iran’s Environment?”, World 2(2), 231-252; doi: 10.3390/world2020015.
99. AghaKouchak A., Mirchi A., Madani K., Di Baldassarre G., Nazemi A., Alborzi A., Anjileli H., Azarderakhsh A., Chiang F., Hassanzadeh E., Huning L. S., Mallakpour I., Martinez A., Mazdiyasni O., Moftakhari H., Norouzi H., Sadegh M., Sadeqi D., Van Loon A. F., Wanders N. (2021) “Anthropogenic Drought: Definition, Challenges and Opportunities”, Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 59 (2), e2019RG000683, doi: 10.1029/2019RG000683.
98. Obringer R., Rachunok B., Maia-Silva D., Arbabzadeh M., Nateghi R., Madani K. (2021) “The Overlooked Environmental Footprint of Increasing Internet Use”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 167, 105389, doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105389Get.
97. Naderi M. M., Mirchi A., Massah Bavani A., Goharian E., Madani K. (2021) “System Dynamics Simulation of Regional Water Supply and Demand Using a Food-Energy-Water Nexus Approach: Application to Qazvin Plain, Iran”, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 280, 111843, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111843.
96. Madani K. (2020) “How International Economic Sanctions Harm the Environment”, Earth’s Future, e2020EF001829, doi: 10.1029/2020EF001829.
95. Modabberi A., Noori R., Madani K., Ehsani A. H., Danandeh Mehr A., Hooshyaripor F., Kløve B. (2020) “Caspian Sea is Eutrophying: The Alarming Message of Satellite Data”, Environmental Research Letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abc6d3.
94. Tabari H., Madani K., Willems P. (2020) “The Contribution of Anthropogenic Influence to More Anomalous Extreme Precipitation in Europe”, Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 15 (10), 104077, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abb268.
93. Vahedifard F., Madani K., AghaKouchak A., Thota S. K. (2020) “Preparing for Proactive Dam Removal Decisions”, Science, Vol. 389 (6500), 150, doi: 10.1126/science.abc9953.
92. Maghrebi M., Noori R., Bhattarai R., Yaseen Z.M., Tang Q., Al‐Ansari N., Danandeh Mehr A., Karbassi A., Omidvar J., Farnoush H., Torabi Haghighi A., Kløve B., Madani K. (2020) “Iran's Agriculture in the Anthropocene”, Earth’s Future, Vol. 8 (9), e2020EF001547, doi: 10.1029/2020EF001547.
91. Madani K., Shafiee-Jood M. (2020) “Socio-Hydrology: A New Understanding to Unite or a New Science to Divide?”, Water, Vol. 12 (7), 341, doi: 10.3390/w12071941.
90. Brelsford C., Dumas M., Schlager E., Dermody B. J., Aiuvalasit M., Allen-Dumas M. R., Beecher J., Bhatia U., D'Odorico P., Garcia M., Gober P., Groenfeldt D., Lansing S., Madani K., Méndez-Barrientos L., Mondino E., Müller M. F., O'Donnell F. C., Owuor P. M., Rising J., Sanderson M. R., Souza F. A. A., Zipper S.C. (2020) “Developing a Sustainability Science Approach for Water Systems”, Ecology and Society, Vol. 25 (2), 23, doi: 10.5751/ES-11515-250223.
89. Saberi M., Hamedmoghadam H., Madani K., Dolk H.D., Morgan A., Morris J.K., Khoshnood K., Khoshnood B. (2020) “Accounting for Underreporting in Mathematical Modeling of Transmission and Control of COVID-19 in Iran”, Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 8, 289, doi: 10.3389/fphy.2020.00289.
88. Mahlooji M., Gaudard L., Ristic B., Madani K. (2020) “The Importance of Considering Resource Availability Restrictions in Energy Planning: What Is the Footprint of Electricity Generation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)?”, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 717, 135035, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135035.
87. Davtalab R., Mirchi A., Harris R.J., Troilo M.X., Madani K. (2020) “Sea Level Rise Effect on Groundwater Rise and Stormwater Retention Pond Reliability”, Water, Vol. 12 (4), 1129, doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/w12041129.
86. Mirzaei A., Saghafian B., Mirchi A., Madani K. (2019) “Groundwater-Energy-Food Nexus in Iran’s Agricultural Sector: Implications for Water Security”, Water, Vol. 11(9), 1835, doi: 10.3390/w11091835.
85. Madani K. (2019) “The Value of Extreme Events: What Doesn’t Exterminate Your Water System Makes it More Resilient”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 575, 269-272, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.05.049.
84. Babbar-Sebens M., Root E., Rosenberg D., Watkins D., Mirchi A., Giacomoni M., Madani K. (2019) “Training Water Resources Systems Engineers to Communicate: Acting on Observations from On-the-job Practitioners”, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education, Vol. 45(4), doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000427.
83. Ristic B., Madani K. (2019) “A Game Theory Warning to Blind Drivers Playing Chicken with Public Goods”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 55 (3), 2000-2013, doi: 10.1029/2018WR023575.
82. Danaei G., Farzadfar F., Kelishadi R., Rashidian A., Rouhani O., Ahmadnia S., Ahmadvand A., Arabi M., Ardalan A., Arhami M., Azizi M. H., Bahadori M., Baumgartner J., Beheshtian A., Djalalinia S., Doshmangir L., Haghdoost A. A., Haghshenas R., Hosseinpoor A. R., Islami F., Kamangar F., Khalili D., Madani K., Masoumi-Asl H., Mazyaki A., Mirchi A., Moradi E., Nayernouri T., Niemeier D., Omidvari A., Peykari N., Pishgar F., Qorbani F., Rahimi K., Rahimi-Movaghar A., Ramezani Tehrani F., Rezaei N., Shahraz S., Takian A. H., Tootee A., Ezzati M., Jamshidi H. R., Larijani B., Majdzadeh R., Malekzadeh R. (2019) “Iran in Transition”, The Lancet, Vol. 393(10184), 1984-2005, doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)33197-0.
81. Aljefri Y. M., Fang L., Hipel K. W., Madani K. (2019) “Strategic Analyses of the Hydropolitical Conflicts Surrounding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam”, Group Decision and Negotiations, Vol 28 (2), 305-340, doi: 10.1007/s10726-019-09612-x.
80. Ristic B., Mahlooji M., Gaudard L., Madani K. (2019) “The Relative Aggregate Footprint of Electricity Generation Technologies in the European Union (EU): A System of Systems Approach”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 143, 282-290, doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.12.010.
79. Khazaei B., Khatami S., Alemohammad S. H., Rashidi L., Wu C., Madani K., Kalantari Z., Destouni G., AghaKouchak A. (2019) “Climatic or Regionally Induced by Humans? Tracing Hydro-climatic and Land-use Changes to Better Understand the Lake Urmia Tragedy”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 19, 203-217, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.12.004.
78. Benini G., Carvalho M., Gaudard L., Jochem P., Madani K. (2019) “Heterogeneous Returns to Scale of Wind Farms in Northern Europe”, The Energy Journal, Vol. 40, doi: 10.5547/01956574.40.SI1.gben.
77. Gaudard L., Madani K. (2019) “Energy Storage Race: Has the Monopoly of Pumped-storage Come to an End?”, Energy Policy, Vol. 126, 22-29, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.11.003.
76. Ashraf S., AghaKouchak A., Nazemi A., Moftakhari H. R., Hassanzadeh, E., Miao C-Y, Mirchi A., Madani K., Mehran A., Sadegh M., Norouzi H., Mazdiyasni O., Azarderakhsh M., Anjileli H., Alborzi A., Arab D. R., Tourian M. J., Farahmand, A. (2018) “Compounding Effects of Human Activities and Climatic Changes on Surface Water Availability in Iran”, Climatic Change, doi: 10.1007/s1058.
75. Al-Saqlawi J., Madani K., Mac Dowell N. (2018) “Techno-economic Feasibility of Grid-independent Residential Roof-top Solar PV Systems in Muscat, Oman”, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 178, 322-334, doi: 10.1080/1573062X.2018.152980.
74. Babovic F., Mijic A., Madani K. (2018) “Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty for Adapting Urban Drainage Systems to Change”, Urban Water Journal, Vol. 15 (6), 552-560, doi: 10.1080/1573062X.2018.152980.
73. Haghighi E., Madani K., Hoekstra A. (2018) “The Water Footprint of Water Conservation with Shade Balls in California”, Nature Sustainability, Vol. 1, 358–360, doi: 10.1038/s41893-018-0092-2.
72. Alborzi A., Mirchi A., Moftakhari H., Mallakpour I., Alian S., Nazemi A., Hassanzadeh E., Mazdiyasni O., Ashraf S., Madani K., Norouzi H., Azarderakhsh, M., Mehran, A., Sadegh, M., Castelletti, A., AghaKouchak, A. (2018) “Climate-informed Environmental Inflows to Revive a Drying Lake Facing Meteorological and Anthropogenic Droughts”, Environmental Research Letters, Vol 13 (8), 084010, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aad246.
71. Hui R., Herman J., Lund J., Madani K. (2018) “Adaptive Water Infrastructure Planning for Nonstationary Hydrology”, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 118, 83-94, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.05.009.
70. Nazemi A., Madani K. (2018) “Urban Water Security: Emerging Discussion and Remaining Challenges”, Sustainable Cities and Soicety, Vol. 41, 925-928, doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2017.09.011y.
69. Burgman M., Tennant M., Voulvoulis N., Makuch K., Madani K. (2018) “Facilitating the Transition to Sustainable Green Chemistry”, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Vol. 13, 130-136, doi: 10.1016/j.cogsc.2018.04.006.
68. Cheng C., Fu C., Li L., Ristic B., Mirchi A., Qiyu T., Madani K. (2018) “Reform and Renewables in China: The Architecture of Yunnan's Hydropower Dominated Electricity Market”, Vol. 94, 682-693, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2018.06.033.
67. Fazel N., Berndtsson R., Uvo C. B., Madani K., Kløve B. (2018), “Regionalization of Precipitation Characteristics in Iran’s Lake Urmia Basin”, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Vol 132 (1-2), 363–373, doi: 10.1007/s00704-017-2090-0.
66. Ashraf B., Aghakouchak A., Alizadeh A., Beygi M. M., Moftakhari H. R., Mirchi A., Anjileli H., Madani K. (2017) “Quantifying Anthropogenic Stress on Groundwater Resources”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, 12910, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-12877-4.
65. Rosenberg D., Babbar-Sebens M., Root E., Herman J., Mirchi A., Giacomoni M., Kasprzyk J., Madani K., Ford D., Basdekas L. (2017) “More Integrated Formal Education and Practice in Water Resources Systems Analysis”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 143 (2), doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000847.
64. Mesgaran M., Madani K., Hashemi H., Azadi P. (2017) “Iran’s Land Suitability for Agriculture”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, 7670, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08066-y.
63. Read L., Madani K., Mokhtari S., Hanks C. (2017), “Stakeholder-driven Multi-attribute Analysis for Energy Project Selection under Uncertainty”, Energy, Vol. 19, 744-753, doi: 10.1016/j.energy.2016.11.030.
62. Madani K., Pierce T. W., Mirchi A. (2017), “Serious Games on Environmental Management”, Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 29, 1-11, doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2016.11.007.
61. Davtalab R., Mirchi A., Khatami S., Gyawali R., Massah A., Farajzadeh M., Madani K. (2017), “Improving Continuous Hydrologic Modeling of Data-Poor River Basins Using Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System: Case Study of Karkheh River Basin”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001525.
60. Gohari A., Mirchi A., Madani K. (2017), “System Dynamics Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Water Resources Management in Central Iran”, Water Resources Management, Vol. 31 (5), 1413–1434, doi: 10.1007/s11269-017-1575-z.
59. Safavi H. R., Rezaei F., Mirchi A., Madani K. (2017) “f-MOPSO: An Alternative Multi-Objective PSO Algorithm for Conjunctive Water Use Management”, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, Vol. 14, 1-18, doi: 10.1016/j.jher.2016.05.007.
58. Kruitwagen L., Madani K., Caldecott B., Workman M. H. W. (2017) “Game theory and Corporate Governance: Conditions for Effective Stewardship of Companies Exposed to Climate Change Risks”, Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, Vol. 7 (1), 14-36, doi: 10.1080/20430795.2016.1188537.
57. Zekri S., Madani K., Bazargan-Lari M. R., Kotagama H., Kalbus E. (2017), “Feasibility of Adopting Smart Water Meters in Aquifer Management: An Integrated Hydro-economic Analysis”, Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 181, 85–93, doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2016.11.022.
56. Hardin E., Aghakouchak A., Qomi M.J.A.., Madani K., Tarroja B., Zhou Y., Yang T., Samuelsen S. (2017) “California Drought Increases CO2 Footprint of Energy”, Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 28, 450-452, doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2016.09.004.
55. Madani K., Aghakouchak A., Mirchi A. (2016) “Iran’s Socio-Economic Drought: Challenges of a Water-Bankrupt Nation”, Iranian Studies, Vol. 49(6), 997–1016, doi: 10.1080/00210862.2016.1259286.
54. Stevens T., Madani K. (2016) “Future Climate Impacts on Maize Farming and Food Security in Malawi”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, 36241, doi: 10.1038/srep36241.
53. Cheng C., Yan L., Mirchi A., Madani K. (2016) “China’s Booming Hydropower: Systems Modeling Challenges and Opportunities”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 02516002, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000723.
52. Msowoya K., Madani K., Davtalab R., Mirchi A., Lund J. R. (2016) “Climate Change Impacts on Maize Production in the Warm Heart of Africa”, Water Resources Management, Vol. 30(14), 5299–5312, doi: 10.1007/s11269-016-1487-3.
51. Costa D. D., da Silva Pereira T., Fragoso C. R., Madani K., Uvo C. B. (2016) “Understanding Drought Dynamics during Dry Season in Eastern Northeast Brazil”, Frontiers in Earth Sciences, Vol. 4, Article 69, doi: 10.3389/feart.2016.00069.
50. Maimoun., Reinhart D. R., Madani K. (2016) “An Environmental-Economic Assessment of Residential Curbside Collection Programs in Central Florida”, Waste Management, Vol. 54, 27–38, doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2016.04.025.
49. Hui R., Lund J. R., Madani K. (2016) “Game Theory and Risk-based Leveed River System Planning with Noncooperation”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 52(1), 119–134, doi: 10.1002/2015WR017707.
48. Maimoun., Madani K., Reinhart D. R. (2016) “Multi-level Multi-criteria Analysis of Alternative Fuels for Waste Collection Vehicles in the United States”, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 550, 349–361, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.12.154.
47. Hamed A., Madani K., Von Holle B., Wright J., Milon W., Bossick M. (2016) “How Much Are Floridians Willing to Pay for Protecting Sea Turtles from Sea Level Rise?”, Environmental Management, Vol. 57(1), 176–188, doi: 10.1007/s00267-015-0590-1.
46. Nazzal D., Zabinski J., Hugar A., Reinhart D., Karwowski W., Madani K. (2015) “Introduction of Sustainability Concepts into Industrial Engineering Education: A Modular Approach”, Advances in Engineering Education, Vol. 4(4), Summer 2015.
45. Ristic B., Madani K., Makuch Z. (2015) “The Water Footprint of Data Centers”, Sustainability, Vol. 7(8), 11260-11284; doi:10.3390/su70811260.
44. Abdelhady D., Aggestam K., Andersson D-E., Beckman O., Berndtsson R.,Palmgren K. B., Madani K., Ozkirimli U., Persson K. M., Pilesjö P. (2015) “The Nile and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Is There a Meeting Point between Nationalism and Hydrosolidarity?”, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 155, 73-82.
43. Haghtalab S., Xanthopoulos P., Madani K. (2015) “A Robust Unsupervised Consensus Control Chart Pattern Recognition Framework”, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 42 (19), 6767–6776, doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2015.04.069.
42. Bruce C. J., Madani K. (2015) “Successful Collaborative Negotiation over Water Policy: Substance Versus Process”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 04015009, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000517.
41. Hadian S., Madani K. (2015), “A System of Systems Approach to Energy Sustainability Assessment: Are All Renewables Really Green?”, Ecological Indicators, Vol. 52, 194–206, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.11.029.
40. Aghakouchak A., Norouzi H., Madani K., Mirchi A., Azarderakhsh M., Nazemi A., Mehran A., Nasrollahi N., Farahmand A., Hasanzadeh E. (2015), “Aral Sea Syndrome Desiccates Lake Urmia: Call for Action”, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 41(1), 307-311, doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2014.12.007.
39. Madani K., Khatami S. (2015) “Water for Energy: Inconsistent Assessment Standards and Inability to Judge Properly”, Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, Vol. 2 (1): 10-16, doi: 10.1007/s40518-014-0022-5.
38. Madani K. (2014), “Water Management in Iran: What Is Causing the Looming Crisis?”, Environmental Studies and Sciences, Vol. 4 (4), 315-328, doi: 0.1007/s13412-014-0182-z.
37. Mirchi A., Watkins D. W. Jr., Huckins C. J., Madani K., Hjorth P. (2014) “Water Resources Management in a Homogenizing World: Averting Growth and Underinvestment”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 50 (9), 7515–7526, doi: 10.1002/2013WR015128.
36. Gohari A., Bozorgi A., Madani K., Elledge J., Berndtsson R. (2014), “Adaptation of Surface Water Supply to Climate Change in Central Iran”, Journal of Water and Climate Change, Vol. 5 (3), 391-407, doi: 10.2166/wcc.2013.189.
35. Madani K., Hooshyar M. (2014) “A Game Theory-Reinforcement Learning (GT-RL) Method to Develop Optimal Operations Policies for Multi-Operator Reservoir Systems”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 519, Part A., 732–742, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.07.061.
34. Zavichi A., Madani K., Xanthopoulos P., Oloufa A. A. (2014), “Enhanced Crane Operations in Construction Using Service Request Optimization”, Automation in Construction, Vol. 47, 69–77, doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2014.07.011.
33. Madani K., Zarezadeh M., Morid S. (2014) “A New Framework for Resolving Conflicts over Transboundary Rivers Using Bankruptcy Methods”, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 18, 3055–3068, doi: 10.5194/hess-18-3055-2014.
32. Madani K., Read L., Shalikarian L. (2014), “Voting Under Uncertainty: A Stochastic Framework for Analyzing Group Decision Making Problems”, Water Resources Management, Vol. 28(7): pp. 1839-1856, doi: 10.1007/s11269-014-0556-8.
31. Madani K., Sheikhmohammady M., Mokhtari S., Moradi M., Xanthopoulos P. (2014) “Social Planner’s Solution for the Caspian Sea Conflict”, Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 23(3), pp. 579-596, doi: 10.1007/s10726-013-9345-7.
30. Asgari S., Afshar A., Madani K. (2014) “A Cooperative Game Theoretic Framework for Joint Resource Management in Construction”, ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 140(3), 04013066, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000818.
29. Read L., Madani K., Inanloo B. (2014), “Optimality versus Stability in Water Resource Allocation Negotiations”, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 133, pp. 343-354, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.11.045.
28. Madani K., Guégan M., Uvo C. B. (2014), “Climate Change Impacts on High-Elevation Hydroelectricity in California”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 510, pp. 153-163, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.12.001.
27. Madani K., Rouhani O. M., Mirchi A., Gholizadeh S. (2014), “A Negotiation Support System for Resolving an International Trans-boundary Natural Resource Conflict”, Environmental Modeling and Software, Vol. 51: 240–249, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.09.029.
26. Madani K., Dinar A. (2013), “Exogenous Regulatory Institutions for Sustainable Common Pool Resource Management: Application to Groundwater”, Water Resources and Economics, Vol. 2-3, pp. 57-76, doi: 10.1016/j.wre.2013.08.001.
25. Hadian S., Madani K. (2013) “The Water Demand of Energy: Implications for Sustainable Energy Policy Development”, Sustainability, Vol. 5(11): pp. 4674-4687, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.09.029.
24. Blasing T. J., Sullivan A., Madani K. (2013), “Response of California Summer Hydroelectricity Generation to Spring Temperature”, British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, Vol. 3 (3), 316-332, doi: 10.9734/BJECC/2013/2669.
23. Jamali S, Abrishamchi A., Madani K. (2013) “Climate Change and Hydropower Planning in the Middle East: Implications for Iran’s Karkheh Hydropower Systems”, Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol. 139(3), 153-160, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000115.
22. Gohari A., Eslamian S., Mirchi A., Abedi-Koupaei J., Massah Bavani A., Madani K. (2013) “A Fix that Backfired: Water Transfer as a Solution to Water Shortage”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 491, 23-39, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.03.021.
21. Madani K. (2013) “Modeling International Climate Change Negotiations More Responsibly: Can Highly Simplified Game Theory Models Provide Reliable Policy Insights?”, Ecological Economics, Vol. 90, 68-76, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.02.011.
20. Rouhani O. M., Niemeier D., Knittel C. R., Madani K. (2013), “Integrated Modeling Framework to Lease Urban Roads: A Case Study of Fresno, California”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 48, 17-30, doi: 10.1016/j.trb.2012.10.005.
19. Gohari A., Eslamian S., Abedi-Koupaei J., Massah Bavani A., Wang D., Madani K. (2013), “Climate Change Impacts on Crop Productivity in Iran’s Zayandeh-Rud River Basin”, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 442, 405-419, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.10.029.
18. Madani K., Dinar A. (2012), “Cooperative Institutions for Sustainable Common Pool Resource Management: Application to Groundwater”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 48 (9), W09553, doi:10.1029/2011WR010849.
17. Mirchi A., Madani K., Hadian S., Rouhani O. M., Rouhani A. M. (2012), “World Energy Balance Outlook and OPEC Production Capacity: Implications for Global Oil Security”, Energies, Vol. 5(8): 2626-2651, doi: 10.3390/en5082626.
16. Mirchi A., Madani K., Watkins D. Jr., Ahmad S. (2012), “Synthesis of System Dynamics Tools for Holistic Conceptualization of Water Resources Problems”, Water Resources Management, Vol. 26 (9), 2421-2442, doi: 10.1007/s11269-012-0024-2.
15. Madani K., Lund J. R. (2012), “California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conflict: from Cooperation to Chicken”, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 138 (2): 90-99, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000164 (recipient the 2012 Best Policy-Oriented Paper Award).
14. Madani K., Dinar A. (2012), “Non-Cooperative Institutions for Sustainable Common Pool Resource Management: Application to Groundwater”, Ecological Economics, Vol. 74: 34-45, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.12.006.
13. Guégan M., Uvo C. B., Madani K. (2012), “Developing a Module for Estimating Climate Warming Effects on Hydropower Pricing in California”, Energy Policy, Vol. 42: 261–271, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.11.083.
12. Connell-Buck C. R., Medellin-Azuara J., Lund J. R., Madani K. (2011), “Adapting California’s Water System to Warm vs. Dry Climates”, Climatic Change, Vol. 109 (Suppl 1): S133-S149, doi: 10.1007/s10584-011-0302-7.
11. Tanaka S. K., Connell-Buck C. R., Madani K., Medellin-Azuara J., Lund J. R., Hanak E. (2011), “Economic Costs and Adaptations for Alternative Regulations of California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta”, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, Vol. 9 (2): 1-28.
10. Madani K., Hipel K. W. (2011), “Non-Cooperative Stability Definitions for Strategic Analysis of Generic Water Resources Conflicts”, Water Resources Management, Vol. 25 (8): 1949–1977, doi: 10.1007/s11269-010-9743-4.
9. Madani K., Lund J. R. (2011), “A Monte-Carlo Game Theoretic Approach for Multi-Criteria Decision Making under Uncertainty”, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 35 (5): 607-616, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.02.009.
8. Madani K. (2011), “Hydropower Licensing and Climate Change: Insights from Game Theory”, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 34 (2): 174-183, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2010.10.003.
7. Madani K., Lund J. R. (2010), “Estimated Impacts of Climate Warming on California's High-Elevation Hydropower”, Climatic Change, Vol. 102 (3-4): 521-538, doi: 10.1007/s10584-009-9750-8.
6. Madani K. (2010), “Game Theory and Water Resources”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 381 (3-4): 225- 238, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.11.045.
5. Madani K., Lund J. R. (2009), “Modeling California's High-Elevation Hydropower Systems in Energy Units”, Water Resources Research, 45, W09413, doi:10.1029/2008WR007206.
4. Madani K., Mariño M. A. (2009), “System Dynamics Analysis for Managing Iran’s Zayandeh-Rud River Basin”, Water Resources Management, Vol. 23 (11): 2163-2187, doi: 10.1007/s11269-008-9376-z.
3. Medellin-Azuara J., Harou J. J., Olivares M. A., Madani K., Lund J. R., Howitt R. E., Tanaka S. K., Jenkins M. W., Zhu T. (2008), “Adaptability and Adaptations of California’s Water Supply System to Dry Climate Warming”, Climatic Change, Vol. 87 (Suppl 1): S75-S90, doi: 10.1007/s10584-007-9355-z.
2. Madani K. (2007), “A System Dynamics Approach to Integrated Watershed Management”, Hydrological Science and Technology, Vol. 23 (1-4): 147-158.
1. Madani K., Lund J. R. (2007), “Aggregated Modeling Alternatives for Modeling California’s High-Elevation Hydropower with Climate Change in the Absence of Storage Capacity Data”, Hydrological Science and Technology, Vol. 23 (1-4): 137-146.
Journal Articles in Persian
8. Zarezadeh M., Morid. S., Fatemi F., Madani K. (2016), “A Game Theory Approach to Evaluating Cooperation Opportunities between Iran and Afghanistan to Allocate More Water to the Environment and Control Opium Cultivation in the Helmand Basin”, Iran Water Resources Research, Vol. 12(3): 12-21.
7. Farajzadeh M., Madani K., Massah Bavani, A., Davtalab R. (2014) “Climate Change Effects on Reliability of Water Delivery in Downstream of Karkheh River Basin and Its Adaptation Strategies”, Journal of Water and Soil Resources Conservation, Vol. 3(3): 49-63.
6. Zarezadeh M., Morid S., Salavitabar A., Madani K. (2012), “Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change and New Developments on Water Scarcity in Iran’s Qezelozan-Sefidrood River Basin”, Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, Vol. 6(2): 93-104.
5. Madani K. (2004), “Water Resources Management”, Rah-va-Sakhteman, Journal of Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Urban Planning, Vol. 15: 15-18.
4. Zavvareh M., Madani K. (2004), “The Mobile Dam Project of Delta”, Rah-va-Sakhteman, Journal of Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Urban Planning, Vol. 9: 3-5.
3. Madani K. (2002), “Water Resources Management: The Solution to the Present Crisis”, Samaneh, Journal of Civil Engineering Students of University of Tabriz, Vol. 2: 11-16.
2. Madani K., Saghebian M. (2002), “Efficiency of Modern Material in Natural and Artificial Earthquake Prevention”, Samaneh, Journal of Civil Engineering Students of University of Tabriz, Vol. 1: 23-27.
1. Madani K. (2002), “A Glance at Value Engineering and Its Application in Civil Engineering”, Samaneh, Journal of Civil Engineering Students of University of Tabriz, Vol. 1: 4-7.